In this blogpost, we will come back to the subject of the German Elections. We will try to show, mostly visually, the changes in election results during the 21st century. Thus, we will use data from the elections in 2002 to the last ones in 2017. The main focus will be mapping the results of the parties represented in the current Bundestag (German Parliament) during this time span. Let’s start our coding.

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As the title of this post implies we will analyze, using the statistical programming language R, the German Federal Election which took place on 24 September of 2017. It will not be an exhaustive analysis of the results. I’m only interested in visualizing the share of the vote that each party represented in the Parliament (i.e. Bundestag) received in each one of the 16 States of Germany. In order to make this visualization possible in R, loading the respective packages is the first step.

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Hugo Toscano


Stuttgart, Germany