Welcome to this new post about the Euro versus Dollar historical exchange rate since 1999 to the present day. This post will deal with dates, so I will use mainly the lubridate package and some of its most important functions. I will do my best to show you the power and simplicity of this truly magnificent tool within the R universe. Nevertheless, I won’t be restricted only to lubridate and will use some other packages to deal with this type of data.

Let us begin again by loading the packages that we will use throughout this post:

# load libraries
library(lubridate) # dealing with dates and times
library(readxl) # open excel files
library(xts) # dealing with time series
library(tidyverse) # wrangling, data iteration and visualization
library(here) # create a file directory
library(kableExtra) # visualize html tables
library(scales) # create different scale values(percent, commas, etc...)
library(zoo) # deal with time-series data
library(ggthemes) # add themes to ggplot2

Now we can load our file with the historical exchange rate of euro versus dollar.

# load file
euro_vs_dollar <- read_excel(here::here("euro-dollar-exchange-rate-historical-chart.xlsx"), skip = 13) # skip the first 13 empty lines of the csv file

We can now explore our data frame, being possible to check the first cases of our data frame:

euro_vs_dollar %>%
  head(20) %>% # only the first 20 rows
date value
1999-01-04 1.1825
1999-01-05 1.1774
1999-01-06 1.1622
1999-01-07 1.1706
1999-01-08 1.1577
1999-01-11 1.1498
1999-01-12 1.1564
1999-01-13 1.1663
1999-01-14 1.1700
1999-01-15 1.1553
1999-01-19 1.1605
1999-01-20 1.1557
1999-01-21 1.1591
1999-01-22 1.1585
1999-01-25 1.1549
1999-01-26 1.1560
1999-01-27 1.1423
1999-01-28 1.1412
1999-01-29 1.1357
1999-02-01 1.1298

And the last ones:

euro_vs_dollar %>%
  tail(20) %>% # only the first 20 rows
date value
2019-03-13 1.1336
2019-03-14 1.1307
2019-03-15 1.1344
2019-03-16 1.1344
2019-03-18 1.1335
2019-03-19 1.1353
2019-03-20 1.1423
2019-03-21 1.1377
2019-03-22 1.1320
2019-03-23 1.1320
2019-03-25 1.1315
2019-03-26 1.1275
2019-03-27 1.1250
2019-03-28 1.1255
2019-03-29 1.1232
2019-03-30 1.1232
2019-04-01 1.1209
2019-04-02 1.1204
2019-04-03 1.1242
2019-04-04 1.1233

From this first data exploration, we can see that the euro devalued against the dollar since its inception. The initial value of 1 euro was 1.1825 dollars and today is 1.1233 dollars.

Now, let’s play with the data. First, we’ll glimpse it.

## Observations: 5,224
## Variables: 2
## $ date  <dttm> 1999-01-04, 1999-01-05, 1999-01-06, 1999-01-07, 1999-01...
## $ value <dbl> 1.1825, 1.1774, 1.1622, 1.1706, 1.1577, 1.1498, 1.1564, ...

So, we have two variables, date and the correspondent value of the exchange rate. The date variable is with the format YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 1999-01-04). We’ll now change formats in the date variable to play with a couple of functions from lubridate.

# create new data frame
euro_dollar_parse <- euro_vs_dollar %>%
  # change to character variable to work afterwards with lubridate functions
  mutate(date = as.character(date), 
  # change the format of some values in the date variable
         date = case_when(date == "1999-01-04" ~ "January 4, 1999",
                          date == "2018-12-31" ~ "31st December 2018",
                          date == "2017-07-12" ~ "2017, 12th July",
                          TRUE ~ date))

## Observations: 5,224
## Variables: 2
## $ date  <chr> "January 4, 1999", "1999-01-05", "1999-01-06", "1999-01-...
## $ value <dbl> 1.1825, 1.1774, 1.1622, 1.1706, 1.1577, 1.1498, 1.1564, ...

Now that the format of the date variable was changed,we have four different formats in this respective order: month(m), day(d), year(y); year(y), month(m), day(d); day(d), month(m), year(y); and year(y), day(d), month(m). How can we parse all these values with different formats in R? The function parse_date_time is the answer .

euro_vs_dollar_tbl <- euro_dollar_parse %>%
  # parse the four different formats of the date variable 
  mutate(date = parse_date_time(date, c("mdy", "ymd", "dmy", "ydm")))

## Observations: 5,224
## Variables: 2
## $ date  <dttm> 1999-01-04, 1999-01-05, 1999-01-06, 1999-01-07, 1999-01...
## $ value <dbl> 1.1825, 1.1774, 1.1622, 1.1706, 1.1577, 1.1498, 1.1564, ...

As you could see in the code above, we used the functions mdy, ymd, dmy and ydm to parse the different types of formats.

Now, we should transform the date variable which is a date time object in a date object with the ymd() function.

euro_vs_dollar_tbl <- euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  mutate(date = ymd(date))

## Observations: 5,224
## Variables: 2
## $ date  <date> 1999-01-04, 1999-01-05, 1999-01-06, 1999-01-07, 1999-01...
## $ value <dbl> 1.1825, 1.1774, 1.1622, 1.1706, 1.1577, 1.1498, 1.1564, ...

We can again play with more lubridate functions. We will create the variables year, month, day of the month, day of the week, day of the year, and quarter of the year with these respective functions: year(), month, day(), wday(), yday(), and quarter().

euro_vs_dollar_tbl <- euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  mutate(# variable year
         year = year(date), 
         # variable month with the label
         month = month(date, label = TRUE), 
         # variable day of the month
         day = day(date), 
         # variable day of the week with abbreviated label
         week_day = wday(date, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE), 
         # variable day of the year
         day_year = yday(date),
         # variable quarter
         qter = quarter(date)) 

euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  head(25) %>%
date value year month day week_day day_year qter
1999-01-04 1.1825 1999 jan 4 seg 4 1
1999-01-05 1.1774 1999 jan 5 ter 5 1
1999-01-06 1.1622 1999 jan 6 qua 6 1
1999-01-07 1.1706 1999 jan 7 qui 7 1
1999-01-08 1.1577 1999 jan 8 sex 8 1
1999-01-11 1.1498 1999 jan 11 seg 11 1
1999-01-12 1.1564 1999 jan 12 ter 12 1
1999-01-13 1.1663 1999 jan 13 qua 13 1
1999-01-14 1.1700 1999 jan 14 qui 14 1
1999-01-15 1.1553 1999 jan 15 sex 15 1
1999-01-19 1.1605 1999 jan 19 ter 19 1
1999-01-20 1.1557 1999 jan 20 qua 20 1
1999-01-21 1.1591 1999 jan 21 qui 21 1
1999-01-22 1.1585 1999 jan 22 sex 22 1
1999-01-25 1.1549 1999 jan 25 seg 25 1
1999-01-26 1.1560 1999 jan 26 ter 26 1
1999-01-27 1.1423 1999 jan 27 qua 27 1
1999-01-28 1.1412 1999 jan 28 qui 28 1
1999-01-29 1.1357 1999 jan 29 sex 29 1
1999-02-01 1.1298 1999 fev 1 seg 32 1
1999-02-02 1.1339 1999 fev 2 ter 33 1
1999-02-03 1.1300 1999 fev 3 qua 34 1
1999-02-04 1.1328 1999 fev 4 qui 35 1
1999-02-05 1.1259 1999 fev 5 sex 36 1
1999-02-08 1.1324 1999 fev 8 seg 39 1

Let us imagine that we had only the year, month, and day variables in our data frame. We could turn these three variables into a date variable with the make_date function.

euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  mutate(new_year_var = make_date(
    year = year, 
    month = month, 
    day = day)) %>%
  select(new_year_var, everything())
## # A tibble: 5,224 x 9
##    new_year_var date       value  year month   day week_day day_year  qter
##    <date>       <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <ord> <int> <ord>       <dbl> <int>
##  1 1999-01-04   1999-01-04  1.18  1999 jan       4 seg             4     1
##  2 1999-01-05   1999-01-05  1.18  1999 jan       5 ter             5     1
##  3 1999-01-06   1999-01-06  1.16  1999 jan       6 qua             6     1
##  4 1999-01-07   1999-01-07  1.17  1999 jan       7 qui             7     1
##  5 1999-01-08   1999-01-08  1.16  1999 jan       8 sex             8     1
##  6 1999-01-11   1999-01-11  1.15  1999 jan      11 seg            11     1
##  7 1999-01-12   1999-01-12  1.16  1999 jan      12 ter            12     1
##  8 1999-01-13   1999-01-13  1.17  1999 jan      13 qua            13     1
##  9 1999-01-14   1999-01-14  1.17  1999 jan      14 qui            14     1
## 10 1999-01-15   1999-01-15  1.16  1999 jan      15 sex            15     1
## # ... with 5,214 more rows

A question about the Euro currency age could be raised. . How long has the Euro been alive? We can start to answer this by computing the first and the last date in our data frame with the first() and last() functions of the xts package.

euro_vs_dollar_tbl <- euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  mutate(first_date = xts::first(date),
         last_date = xts::last(date))

Now with the interval function from the lubridate package we can compute how many days has the Euro currency.

euro_vs_dollar_tbl <- euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  # create euro_life variable
  mutate(euro_life = interval(first_date, last_date) / ddays(1))

## [1] 7395

So, the Euro currency has been in circulation for 7395 days.

We could also be interested in checking the difference in value of the Euro against the Dollar since its inception to today. Again, we can subtract the first value of the exchange value from the last value with the first and last functions.

euro_vs_dollar_tbl <- euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  mutate(first_value = xts::first(value),
         last_value = xts::last(value),
         diff_value = last_value - first_value)

## [1] -0.0592

The difference is of -0.0592.

Let us turn this into a percentage rate:

euro_vs_dollar_tbl <- euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
    # create difference in value
    dif = diff_value / first_value,
    # create difference in value in terms of percentage
    perc_dif = scales::percent(dif))

## [1] "-5.01%"

We can say that the Euro devalued 5.01% against the Dollar since its beginning.

We can continue with other functions from the lubridate package such as floor_date, round_date, and ceiling_date; floor_date will turn the date variable into the nearest boundary value. For instance, a date value such as 2012-02-28 will turn into 2012-02-01; round_date turns a date variable to its nearest value. So, the date of 2012-01-13 will be turned into 2012-01-01, while the date of 2012-01-17 will be turned into 2012-02-01: ceiling_date will round a date object into the nearest value above, so that, a date 1999-01-04 will turn into 1999-02-01.

euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
         floor_d = floor_date(date, "months"),
         round_d = round_date(date, "months"),
         ceiling_d = ceiling_date(date, "months")
         ) %>% 
    date, floor_d, round_d, ceiling_d) %>%
  head(20) %>%
date floor_d round_d ceiling_d
1999-01-04 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-05 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-06 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-07 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-08 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-11 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-12 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-13 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-14 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-15 1999-01-01 1999-01-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-19 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-20 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-21 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-22 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-25 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-26 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-27 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-28 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-01-29 1999-01-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01
1999-02-01 1999-02-01 1999-02-01 1999-03-01

Another interesting function to deal with dates is the lag function from the dplyr package where a new variable with the correspondent previous value of the variable of interest can be created. In our case, we can see how the exchange rate evolves daily by creating this lag variable and subtracting from the value of the exchange rate. Then, check if its evolution varies positively or negatively on a daily basis .

euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  mutate(lag_value =lag(value, n =1)) %>%
  mutate(lag_value = case_when(is.na(lag_value) ~ value,
                               TRUE ~ lag_value),
         diff_lag = value - lag_value) %>%
  select(date, value, lag_value, diff_lag) %>%
  head(10) %>%
date value lag_value diff_lag
1999-01-04 1.1825 1.1825 0.0000
1999-01-05 1.1774 1.1825 -0.0051
1999-01-06 1.1622 1.1774 -0.0152
1999-01-07 1.1706 1.1622 0.0084
1999-01-08 1.1577 1.1706 -0.0129
1999-01-11 1.1498 1.1577 -0.0079
1999-01-12 1.1564 1.1498 0.0066
1999-01-13 1.1663 1.1564 0.0099
1999-01-14 1.1700 1.1663 0.0037
1999-01-15 1.1553 1.1700 -0.0147

A very useful function is also the rollmean from the zoo package. With this function you can see how an average of a specific variable moves over time. In our example, we will use rollmean to see how the exchange value changes in 5 consecutive days. .

euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  mutate(sum_five_d = zoo::rollmean(value, 
         k = 5, na.pad = TRUE, 
         align = "right")) %>%
  replace_na(., list(sum_five_d = 0)) %>% 
  select(date, value, sum_five_d) %>%
  head(10) %>% 
date value sum_five_d
1999-01-04 1.1825 0.00000
1999-01-05 1.1774 0.00000
1999-01-06 1.1622 0.00000
1999-01-07 1.1706 0.00000
1999-01-08 1.1577 1.17008
1999-01-11 1.1498 1.16354
1999-01-12 1.1564 1.15934
1999-01-13 1.1663 1.16016
1999-01-14 1.1700 1.16004
1999-01-15 1.1553 1.15956

Therefore, the value 1.17008 in sum_five_d variable corresponds to the average values of the first five days: 1.1825, 1.1774, 1.1622, 1.1706, and 1.1577; the value 1.16354 to the average value of 1.1774, 1.1622, 1.1706, 1.1577 and 1.1498., and so on. This function is a great way to see how averages move across time.

The last function we will talk about, is the %m+% function. Imagine that we would like to know the exchange value of the Euro versus the dollar one month after a certain date. In this scenario, we wanted to know the exchange rate one month after the following date “2007-07-20”. We can add one month using the %m+% function.

euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  filter(date == ymd("2007-07-20") %m+% months(1)) %>%
  summarize(value_month_after = mean(value))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   value_month_after
##               <dbl>
## 1              1.35

To finalize, we will create a simple plot with the exchange value of Euro against the dollar across time.

euro_vs_dollar_tbl %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_vline(xintercept = as.Date("2008-09-15"), size = 2, lty = "dashed", 
             color = "red") +
  geom_curve(aes(x = as.Date("2006-01-01"), y = 1.51, 
                             xend = as.Date("2008-09-01"),
                             yend = 1.64), size = 1.5, color = "red",
             curvature = 0.3, angle = 165,
             arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.45,"cm"))) +
  annotate("text", x = as.Date("2004-06-01"), color = "red", y = 1.55, size = 4.55,label = "Lehman Brothers\nBankruptcy") +
  ggthemes::theme_economist() +
  labs(title = "Euro versus Dollar", y = "Exchange Value", x = 
        "Year") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14))


Hope you liked this short introduction on how to deal with dates in R. There is much more to R, though hopefully this was a useful post. Keep having fun while coding!